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Pipe Overflow

My Roles
Gameplay Design, Producer, Sound

Pipe Overflow is a 1st-person VR game developed in ETC Building Virtual World Course Round1.

Project Description

Game Introduction

In this game, the protagonist acts as an operator of a building, and needs to save a worker "Dave" from the flooding water.

Game Theme

Representing the "fear" of Dave, and giving players feeling of "they can help him"

My Roles

Responsible for:


  1. Core game logic and flow

  2. Scripts that control players indirectly to follow the storyline.

  3. Small puzzles during gameplay that are solvable.


  1. Write daily plans and check progress

  2. Schedule meetings and take notes

  3. Manage assets


  1. Adjust sound effects with Adobe Audition

  2. Use copy right free musics and credit them

Tech Implementation

In Pipe Overflow, we developed our game in Unity, and use XR-plugin to support VR related functions.

Project Gallery

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